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Egyptian builds China's Temple of Heaven with 22,000 matchsticks

来源:Global Gatherings news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 18:07:14

Ahmed Hassan builds a miniature of the Temple of Heaven with matchsticks in Cairo, Egypt, on Feb. 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

  Egyptian radiologist Ahmed Hassan liked the design and architecture of China's remarkable Temple of Heaven so much that he decided to build a replica of Beijing's historic monument with matchsticks.

  Built in 1420, the Temple of Heaven was where Ming and Qing Dynasty emperors worshipped heaven for good harvests. It was turned into a public park in 1918.

  The 600-year-old monument covers an area of 270 hectares and is considered one of the largest existing architectural complexes in the world.

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