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'Obsessed' ex

来源:Global Gatherings news portal编辑:travel时间:2024-06-03 17:07:14

An 'obsessed' ex-policeman, who caught his wife having sex with a married colleague in a Screwfix car park, has narrowly avoided going to jail after he was found guilty of stalking.

Gavin Harper, 45, found his police constable partner Stephanie Glynn and her married lover Andrew McLullich, also an officer, in the back of his rival's Kia 4 x 4, having tracked her car to the car park in Birkenhead, Merseyside. 

Harper, a former constable, then flung open the rear door of Mr McLullich's car and filmed the half-naked couple having sex. 

It was claimed he shouted, 'I've got you on film s

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