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3D printed storage box to further propel China's lunar mission

来源:Global Gatherings news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-03 18:37:02

(ECNS) -- The propulsion system of the Tiandu-1, an experimental satellite for communication and navigation of China's lunar mission performed well in orbit, providing high precision attitude obit maneuvering around the Moon.

It marked the successful application of the liquid ammonia propulsion system in deep space exploration and first successful application of China's 3D printed storage box in obit, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) on Monday.

Developed by 801 Institution of CASC, the propulsion system adopts an integrated 3D printed aluminum alloy fuel tank for the first time.

All components are highly integrated on the fuel tank and connected through 3D printed channels inside the storage box.

Its integrated module design scheme affords the propulsion system high thrust precision, light weight and low cost.

It has enormous prospects in the commercial aerospace market and lays a solid foundation for subsequent mass production and launch missions of microsatellites.

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